On tour with your fictional Favorites 🚗🚓🚕

Our unique Anime-, Game and Movie-inspired scents from our candles you know and love are now available as hanging car air fresheners.

Let the scent of your fictional Girlfriend or Boyfriend follow you on your everyday car-ride.


💕 Celebrate your friendship with our new Friendship-Bracelets 💕

Straight out of the hellaverse ❣

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👀 Farm-Romances - Check out our newest collection 🌼🐣🌻

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Hi, we are Kaleido!

Kaleido WHO? - We are two young artists from northern Germany who love to cosplay and do arts & crafts. We are always inspired by our favorite games, anime shows and 3 cute cats and selling jewelry, acrylic charms, handmade candles, phone charms, buttons and a lot more!

Everything is handmade with love and passion. Let's celebrate our love for fictional characters together!

Custom & Unique - We'll create what you imagine!

Have you always wished you could carry something of your favorite character with you, but there's nothing of his or her anywhere? Or maybe you have your own ideas? We bring your visions to life. Whether as stylish and unique earrings or your very own scented candle.

handmade jellyfish keychains phone charms by kaleidomeow

🌊 Dive into the sparkling depths ✨

Adopt one of our cute Jellyfish and upgrade your Phone or Keychain with your new magical sea-buddy.

show the Jellyfish

✨ Genshin Impact inspired ✨

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  • Shipped with love

    We are packing every order safe and secure with some extra love just for you! We try our best to ship everything as fast as possible.

  • Handmade & High Quality

    Every product is handmade. We do the art, the crafting and the design behind all our products. We highly care about the quality, that's why most of our materials are from local stores and out of europe.

  • We accept Commissions

    Do you want a specific pair of earrings/candles inspired by your favorite game /anime/ movie Character?

    Feel free to write us on instagram and we will make a concept just for you <3

🌈💜 Celebrate yourself 💜💙💚💛🧡❤🤍 Happy Pride-Month!

⭐ Visit our booth ⭐

We are attending the following conventions:

08.05.2024 - Ohana Fantreffen Hamburg (GERMANY)

19. - 21.07.2024 - AnimeMesse Babelsberg (GERMANY)

16. - 18.09.2024 - Nipponcon Bremen (GERMANY)